MedTech is being set up by a consortia comprising of Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), SGPGI Lucknow, Department of IT and Electronics, Government Of
UP, Association Of Medical Device Industry (AiMED), Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ). The objectives of opening the same is to boost start-ups in the field of
medical equipment/electronics & health informatics, and, to contribute to “Make-in-India” & “Digital India” programs of Govt. of India by reducing Health Care Equipment imports and recognize value of Health Care Equipment & Technology locally.”
Company Type:√ The start-up should be incorporated as a Private Limited Company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013/1956) or Registered Partnership Firm (Regd. under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or Limited Liability Partnership (under the Liability Partnership Act 2008) The date of registration/incorporation should not be beyond 10 years.
√ If a company is not registered, an application may be made in the names of the promoters/founders. However, the promoters/founders must ensure that the company is registered within a period of 3 months from the date of selection for CoE.
Annual Turnover: Start-up should have an annual turnover not exceeding Rs. 100 crore for any of the financial years since its incorporation.
Original Entity: Entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstructing and already existing business.
Innovative and Scalable: Entity should be working towards innovation, development or improvement of products, services or processes and should have the potential to generate employment/ create wealth.
The Start-ups are expected to solve the problems in the following:MEDI ELECTRONICS
Target Beneficiaries: 50 start-ups are expected to be benefitted over a period of 5 Years.
To provide World class Medical Electronics Equipment's having “Zero Effect & Zero Defect” at lower cost. Boost the economy by reducing import and dependencies. Generate employment and entrepreneurs.
To develop unique global medical electronics and health informatics products/services for and from India and make India self-dependent in this field.
Idea Challenge Program would be organized in two (2) phases.Phase-1: Shortlisting of Ideas, POCs and Solutions having strong potential
Phase-2: Selection of start-ups for this program through pitch-in session.
The duration of incubation will be about 18 (12+6) months. Initially, a period of 12 months will be provided to each start-up. Further, additional 6 months may be provided on the basis of progress/performance of the Start-up subject to approval & availability of space. Typical phases and their duration are indicated below but this may change on case to case basis.Phase-I (NURTURE Phase) 3 months
Phase-II (DEVELOP Phase) 6 months
Phase-III (MARKET Phase) 3 months
Phase I is prototyping phase in which incubatee will make create a prototype / proof of concept (POC) by using the domain specific lab.
Phase-II is the product development phase. The start-ups which have ready POC, can join phase II directly subject to screening & recommendations.
In phase III, the beneficiaries are connected to the market & business opportunities and file patent/IPR.
Built Up space of 15000 sq.ft. at SGPGI Lab Facilities: MediElectronics & Health Informatics Lab Equipped with world class equipment’s needed for Medical device Medical Simulator manikins, Simulation Software PCB Fabrication Lab, 3D Printer, 4axis CNC milling Machine etc. IoT Lab (focusing Health care) Equipped with all modern equipment’s needed for IoT. World class simulation software and 3D Printers. High-Speed Internet Access 24 x 7 x 365 days of Operational workspace√ Round the clock security
√ Dedicated team/Support round the clock
√ Financial Support through seed funding
√ Technical Support
√ Marketing Support
√ IPR/Patenting Facilitation
√ Legal, Accounting & other support Service
√ Mentors shall identify specific needs at specific times like prototyping/design vendors, small-scale manufacturing vendors, large-scale manufacturing vendors, etc. and make best efforts to connect the start-ups with such ecosystem players.
√ Full-time resource presence and organizing peer meetings with mentors at regular intervals.
√ The platform for accessing the mentor through an online portal.
√ Train/ educate start-ups in the fields of research, user experience, and business technology courses with cutting edge programming and deep-tech applications.
√ Support the start-ups for developing Proof of Concept, provide mentoring for designing & development and help start-ups to convert their idea into a reality.
√ Transforming the start-ups from idea level to Prototype level, Prototype level to MVP (Minimum Viable Product) level, MVP level to GTM level, and graduating the start-ups into full-fledged company status.
√ Providing a multidisciplinary approach in developing innovative products based on identified business challenges.
√ Support for developing, enhancing, and piloting start-ups prototype and business model in a collaborative environment.
√ Conducting needs-based mentoring sessions on legal, compliance, branding, cybersecurity, tech, etc.
√ Marketing
√ Beneficiary incubates of MedTech CoE shall be included in marketing knowledge sessions, road shows, networking events, social media outreach.
√ International events/programs shall be organized to attract global visibility.
√ MedTech CoE end-to-end marketing plan will place your start-up on the global map.
√ Partnerships with key international promotional agencies shall be carried out for cross border collaboration.
√ Monitoring
√ MedTech CoE shall monitor and guide start-ups through dedicated portfolio managers and start-up support executives
√ MedTech CoE shall review and monitor the progress/performance of start-ups periodically and take necessary action as and when required in co-ordination with PMG
√ Additional Services
√ STPI has signed MoU with M/s NRDC (National Research and Development Corporation) for filing Intellectual Property Rights such as Patenting (Drafting & Filing), Trademark, Copyright and any other IPR related support/legal/statutory support.
Access to Funding and InvestmentMedTech CoE shall guide start-ups for raising funds towards PoC, MVP and Marketing as well as scaling up through grants, equity and debt by leveraging connections with potential customers and CSR/Corporate sources as well as angels, High Net worth Individuals (HNIs) and VCs as per appropriate size of start-ups.
Problem Statement
◘ Point of Care Technology (POCT): Digitally Connected Rapid Test Kits can help healthcare reach interiors of the country. Many of the basic parameters that are tested on the rapid kits could be digitized enabling remote diagnosis, tele-opd as well as tele-medicine (to the extent possible). POCT can also be used for Preventive Healthcare and can bring down costs significantly.
Expected outcomes: A technological solution to connect these test parameters digitally.
◘ Diagnosis: AI-based medical screening solutions have been extensively used for pneumonia detection accurately & in detail. Similar approaches should be adopted for current pandemic.
Expected outcomes: AI Based tool for diagnosis of COVID like diseases from imaging.
◘ Patient Care: Technology Solutions for tracking Doctors and Patients. The Patients can be tracked from point of origination to tele-opd, referring to nearest hospital as well as shifting to tertiary care, if required. All patients, doctors, prescriptions, bills can be tracked, with their current locations, till complete recovery.
Expected outcomes: Tele OPDs can be created by technological software solution along with effective networking of the medical experts located in various cities/ hospitals/ clinics, in order to effectively resolve the clinical problems, video conferencing can be linked with tele – consultation.
◘ Patient Mobility & Backend Support System: Prompt ambulance services is one of the key factors in a healthcare facility. A floating control room can be established with GPS System to not only monitor the movement of the ambulances but also provide facility for on the spot rapid testing.
Expected outcomes: A complete advance technological software solution for tracking of ambulance services.
◘ Universal Health Record: A universal system of electronic medical records (EMR) that would allow access to patient information at every potential venue of care while still providing privacy, security, and autonomy of patient information.
Expected outcomes: A software solution to maintain unique health id and other medical history information of all citizens.
◘ Remarks:
The above focus areas are not restricted. Any other proposal close to these above areas will also be considered for evaluation. All the proposals selected in this CoE will be provided free testing and validation facility at AMTZ.
14th August 2020
Application submission start date
Application submission start date
25th September 2020
Application submission end date
Application submission end date
18th February 2025
Announcement of Result
Announcement of Result
Note: Dates are subject to change. Kindly check the portal regularly for latest information.